Nirvana on Earth? #Part1

Everything that we do, every step that we take , every action, if you go think about It, it's all for that one feeling. Practically our whole life and existence revolves around achieving That feeling of happiness, contentment and peace….. 
Everyone has certain goals and dreams they want to achieve, but ever wondered what is the true reason they desire that particular thing? Getting that degree, that big ol job, to earn that kind of money, buying that house, that car, all that, for what? At the end of the day, whatever we do is to simply feel abundant, to feel satisfied and content. 
Ever appreciated that euphoric and maddening kind of gleeful feeling? Yes, we do need to get that elated feeling from time to time, but does that work on a long term basis? Being In that state of rapturous excitement Itself gets exhausting after a point of time…. What sticks around, is that calm and serene happiness, which by my opinion is the most authentic and real kind of happiness, somewhat like nirvana on earth! And this feeling isn't something we need to wait for, its something we can feel right now, wherever in life we may be…. If you're ready to be truly happy, its just one decision away. 
As that old saying goes, Happiness Is a choice, not a result…


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